Here's what I didn't tell last night
I was standing next to the merchandise booth the whole day, and talked a lot to the guy there...
Then I got Norum to quickly sign my (his old) guitars.
It was 3 Les Pauls: A Goldtop Reissue 57, Sunburst reissue 58, and a Custom Shop from the SFTD tour.
I also got him to sign the famous white Stratocaster from TFC tours that I bought recently.
-and one of his old JCM800 2205 that I have.
When he saw them he said "wow, they bring back a lot of great memories"...
But he started playing them, while Joey was calling for him that the taxi was waiting.
Norum almost couldn't leave the guitars behind
The show went down really well, and at the end of Rock The Night, Norum went out on the edge of the stage and handed me his plectrum.
Show ended and I went to say goodbye to the merchandise guy, and he said Norum had been looking for me and wanted to trade guitars....!?
Alright, I waited, and after a few minutes, Norum's guitar tech Peter came out and said Norum wanted to trade a Les Paul guitar with me.
I then took Peter out to my car outside, and we brought in the 57 GoldTop and the 58 Sunburst.
Then we went backstage and Peter took out Norum's guitar from the Firebox video, and also heavily used on every show since september (south america, uk, etc).
He said Norum wanted to trade it with me, but he would go and get him, because he didn't know which one of my guitars he wanted...
Norum came down from the dressing room and said "come on up", and so I did (along with my girlfriend)
Then we went up in the dressing room, where the rest of the band was relaxing... They were all very polite, and in a great mood.
Norum took out the guitars right away and started jamming. John Levén also tried them while Joey was busy making jokes with my girlfriend.
First he asked if she was a one-armed drummer, because she was bringing along one of the drumsticks I caught from Ian.
Then he asked if she wanted a beer, and when she said no, he said "are you trying to cut down?"
back to Norum, and we talked and jammed for 20minutes. A little arpeggio piece from me, sounded to John Leven like some of Yngwie Malmsteen's old stuff, so he said "guys, do that Yngwie thing".
Then Norum and I played a duet solo of Yngwie's "Rising Force" and Mic laughed a lot in the corner...
Guitar tech Peter came back and said he needed to pack the last guitars, so Norum decided on trading back his old Gibson Les Paul reissue 1958 in sunburst, and I got the Gibson Custom in "wooden" finish (Norum has removed the black paint himself)
and as an ending, I gave them a couple of CDs with my EP on, and explained that Göran Edman was the singer, and then Norum spoke very well of Edman "He was amazing in the late 80's, but he's even better now"....
Norum promised to listen to the songs on the bus to Copenhagen, where I will meet up with at least Peter, to trade guitar cases....
What a day and night, really crazy and unbelievable!
-and funny note at the end; John Leven then wanted my Goldtop and asked if I would trade for a bass-guitar?
(I wouldn't)